This page is for our most dedicated stalkers
fans. Here are a few things you can do to win the favor of the
Follow Our Every MoveActually, we don't really like this
but if you insist, please join our announcement list. We'll save you
some work by telling you what we are up to, where we are going, and
when we are doing more laundry...
Give Us PublicityFeel free
to put one of these banners or link buttons on your web site and send
all your virtual web friends over to virtually visit us. Save the graphic
out and then upload it to your home page. You can then paste the HTML
onto your page. (If you store your graphics in a different location than
where the HTML file is located, remember to adjust the img src tag.)
<img src="banners/wWw_banner_400x40.gif" width="400"
height="40" alt=" banner"> |
<img src="banners/wWw_stalkerlink_big.gif" width="126"
height="88" alt=""> |
<img src="banners/wWw_stalkerlink.gif" width="145"
height="88" alt=""> |
<img src="fanlinks/wWw_blinky.gif" width="90"
height="30" alt=" blinky"> |
(Or you can use use our "industry standard" (?) 468x60 sized
promotional banner found here.)
Give Us MoneyIn addition to promoting our site, you may
also promote our financial well being by purchasing something from our
online gift shop.
Give Us a BreakFor those who can't take a hint...
...restraining order information will be available soon.
...what would you like to buy see here? Let
us know!