About the Act (what we do) Meet the Wenches (they tell all) Portrait Gallery (photos) Tour Schedule (where to see us) Wench Theatre (videos) Wenchandise (gift shop) Will Wash for Food (hire us)
Sign / View Guestbook This page last laundered on January 17, 2003.

About the Act
Meet the Wenches
» Keirra
» Sheila
» Willa
» John-Paul
Portrait Gallery
Stalkers Fans
Tour Schedule
Wench Theatre
Will Wash for Food
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Test: 24,718 visits (16 today, 16 this week, 255 this month, 1,303 this year) [30 yesterday. Best day was 104 visitors]



There are 3 stalkers fans lurking around the well right now.

"The humor of this act is not to be missed, and indeed the Washer Well Wenches gathered the largest audiences to their shows at the SLRF [Siouxland Renaissance Festival], topped only by the Joust. We look forward to having them back, year after year." — Melissa Sutton, Siouxland Renaissance Association

Sheila and the Lone Ranger
Because they said such nice things about us, Mistress Sheila went to play at the 12th Night event sponsored by the SLRF.

Looking for more wench acts? Check out the Washing Well Wenches. (Yes, I know, our Wenchville act has a similar name but we do a completely different type of show. We shall explain the origins of how our name was originally assigned to us in the near future...)

Latest dirt: The "lost" Washer Well Wenches tapes FOUND!

Keirra, Sheila, Willa* welcome you to the Wash Line, the official home of Wenchville featuring the the whirled famous Washer Well Wenches! Drop off your dirty clothes and stick around for awhile. The way these girls talk, you never know what you might learn about this Midwest comedy troupe (or even your neighbors).

Do you want to know about the act? How about the members in the troupe? We have pictures for those who have difficulty with all these words, and even movies to watch if you have a really short attention span. (What were we talking about, again?) Of course, nothing beats seeing the wenches live on stage and if you've seen them in person, you might have regretted not picking up a souvenir. We even have some artistic nude photos of the group if you are into that kind of thing. Remember, these girls are here to do your dirty work so don't be shy. They certainly aren't!

The Washer Well Wenches, February 2002

-S-t-a-l-k-e-r-s- Fan Club
(Stalkers Fans, please click here.)

The "lost" Washer Well Wenches tapes FOUND! [Fri, 11 May 2007 | 8:28 PM]
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8:28 PM - The "lost" Washer Well Wenches tapes FOUND! - Greetings from the Wash Line. This is John-Paul George (the second) posting a new note for 2007. In the past few weeks, I have been going through an archive of old digital video tapes dating back to 1999. I have almost every performance the Washer Well Wenches did on video tape, and during my exploration I found alot of things I didn't even remember taping. There are interviews for a promotional DVD we never did in 2003, and some incredibly odd improv rehearsals trying to come up with new show ideas.

My plan is to sort through some of this stuff and compile some new "lost" wWw videos and post them on YouTube.com. More news when and if it happens, right here... -- JohnPaul

Nothing to see here. Move along... [Sun, 28 Nov 2004 | 11:00 AM]
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11:00 AM - Nothing to see here. Move along... - We ran out of server space sometime in the past few weeks. Over 250 megs were being used by this 45MB website. How? That's what I wanted to know, and it turns out we had over 210MB of e-mail sitting in an unchecked mailbox. Now, while it is *possible* this was mostly fan mail to the girls, it seems far more likely it was junk mail. So, 210MB of spam had to be blown away by tech support since the amount was so much it choked the webmail client and my attempts to directly touch the mailbox.

So, now with disk space restored, the counters will work again (though sadly reset). Remember, none of the e-mail works here any more -- though Sheila is still active in the message board at http://www.atthefaire.com/thepub
-- JohnPaul

Site updates... [Sun, 17 Oct 2004 | 11:41 PM]
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11:41 PM - Site updates... - After months of site scripts not working (counters, this news manager), things are fixed.

Watch this space for updates . . . -- Admin

Next stop [Fri, 2 May 2003 | 12:01 AM]
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12:01 AM - Next stop - A few of the wenches will be making appearences in Muskogee, OK. We will be helping out Amos Famous Foods. Hope to see you there. -- Sheila

Newman [Fri, 25 Apr 2003 | 5:01 PM]
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5:01 PM - Newman - Willa and Sheila will be appearing at Newman this weekend the 26th and 27th. So if you're near Wichita come on by. We'd love to see you. -- Sheila

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* John-Paul is here too, but he doesn't do much. Unless he has to, that is.

Click here to see what still needs to be added to this site.

"Being the center of attention since 1502."
© MMI-MMII by Wenchville and the Washer Well Wenches.
Website problem? Tell us. Personal problem? Tell this.
Hosted by AtTheFaire.com. Made on a Mac. Wench Different™.

Home About the Act Meet the Wenches Portrait Gallery Stalkers Fan Club Tour Schedule Wench Theatre Wenchandise Will Wash for Food What's New?

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